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Acta Turcica Çevrimiçi Tematik Türkoloji Dergisi

Yıl 2013 , Cilt , Sayı 9

Makale özeti ve diğer detaylar.

Makale özeti
Başlık :

Anadolu güneş saatleri

Yazarlar :
Yazar kurumları :
Marmara Üniversitesi, Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi1
Görüntülenme :
Özet Türkçe :

Zamanı güneşle ölçmek, zamansal kaynakları herkes için aynı olabilecek bir çerçeveye oturtma çabası, güneş saatleriyle başlamıştır. Güneş saati; güneş ışınlarına (güneşin hareketine) göre özel olarak hazırlanmış; mermer, taş veya madeni bir zemin üzerine yine özel olarak hazırlanmış bir milin gölgesinin hareketine göre zamanın ölçülmesine yarayan bir araçtır. Güneş saatleri yerküre üzerinde güneş ışığını yıl içinde fazla miktarda alan Akdeniz Havzası ve Mezopotamya’nın da aralarında bulunduğu subtropikal kuşak ve orta kuşakta yer

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Özet İngilizce :

Measuring the time basing on the solar system and putting the temporal sources into the same frame began with the sun dials. The sun dials are devices useful for measuring the time according to the movement of the shadow of a shaft which is prepared specifically on a marble, stone or metal ground which is also prepared specifically for the movements of the solar rays. The sun dials are in fixed or movable feature such as global, horizontal, vertical table in general. The sun dials came out in the Mediterranean Basin, which receives the solar rays in a year on the globe, and the midrail and subtropical zone where the Mesopotamia also exist. The first sundials belong to the Sumerians who lived in Mesopotamia in 3500s before Christ. The Egyptians made progress by determining the hours in a day and the days in a year in order to find out and determine the appropriate climate conditions for the agricultural activities in 1500s before Christ. The portable sundials which were adjustable according to the geographical position were designed during the time of the Old Greeks and Romans that lived in Europe and Anatolia. Determining the time was also very important for the Islamic civilization as for the other civilizations. During the Ottoman Period, the offices for determining the time known as muvakkithane were opened and the persons called as muvakkit were chosen for measuring the prayer time according to the geographical coordinates through the whole year. There exist nearly 150 sundials in Anatolia. The sundials made in Anatolia are the ones made in Byzantine Period and in Ottoman Empire period, which stood up until today together with the antique period.

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