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Ahmet Kelesoglu Education Faculty (AKEF) JOURNAL

Yıl 2011 , Cilt , Sayı 32

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Bilimin doğası ve bilim tarihi dersinin fen bilgisi öğretmen adaylarının bilimin doğası hakkındaki bilgi ve görüşlerine etkisi

Yazar kurumları :
Erciyes Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Fen Bilgisi Eğitimi Ana Bilim Dalı1
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Özet Türkçe :

Bu çalışmanın amacı, fen ve teknoloji öğretmen adaylarının bilimin doğası hakkındaki bilgi ve görüşlerinin tespit edilmesidir. Bununla beraber fen ve teknoloji öğretmenliği bölümünde okutulan bilimin doğası ve bilim tarihi dersinin öğretmen adaylarının bilimin doğası hakkındaki bilgi ve görüşlerine etkinliğinin ölçülmesidir. Yapılan çalışmada karma araştırma kullanılmış olup bu araştırma 2009–2010 eğitim öğretim yılında Erciyes Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Fen Bilgisi Öğretmenliği III. Sınıf Öğrencilerine uygulanmıştır. Toplam 92 öğrenci bu nitel araştırmada çalışma grubu olarak yer almıştır. Bu araştırma 2010 bahar dönemi başlangıcında ve bitiminde "Bilimin Doğası Hakkındaki Görüşler‟ (VNOS) anketi kullanarak uygulanmış ve toplam 92 adet veri elde edilmiştir.

Özet İngilizce :

The purpose of this study is to investigate conceptual changes in knowledge and opinions about the nature of science (NOS) in junior prospective science teachers and whether the offered NOS course during semester affect their views of the NOS positively. Mixed research methodology is utilized to explore these purposes. The current investigation was conducted in elementary teacher preparation program at the faculty of education in Erciyes University in Turkey during spring academic semester of 2010. A total of 166 students enrolled as day/night sections of the program. The NOS questionnaire was distributed to 135 of them. And 92 students agreed to participate in the study completing "Views of Nature of Science‟ (VNOS-C) questionnaire prior and later than the course semester. 31 questionnaire items applied at the end of the term revealed significant results and feedbacks about the course contents and effects towards their viewpoints and conceptual understanding of the NOS. This investigation was administered with junior science education students enrolled in elementary science teacher preparation program at Erciyes University in Turkey. This study aims to identify students‟ opinions about the nature of science and for this purpose; we used a questionnaire developed by Lederman et al. (2002). Questionnaire was performed with students at the beginning and at the end of the academic term to create a profile about students‟ knowledge and to control lessons‟ operation. In order to better understand strong and weak points of this investigation, a mixed type research methodology was utilized in the study. As pointed out by Johnson and Turner (2003), this research model was purposefully chosen because with the assist of this questionnaire, it is straightforward to incorporate various approaches and methods in one time. Qualitative results were acquired in the step of collecting attainments and genders of the participants from regular and irregular education was grouped in the quantitative results. Performing VNOS-C was essential because utilizing the advantages of qualitative and quantitative researches, categorizing strong and weak points in findings, attaining strong evidences. In addition, generalizing results is possible with this mixed type research questionnaire (Johnson and Onwuegbuzie, 2004). VNOS-C includes ten open-ended questions. Aims of these questions are to achieve students‟ fundamental opinions about nature of science and their explanations of the items on the questionnaire. Considering the contributions from the individuals who knows and understand the NOS will ensure to training. Providing that, science educators are expected to provide successful science teachers with better understandings of the NOS. If science education faculty is aware of that duty, they would have significant impacts on future elementary students because they would have science teacher equipped with enough knowledge of the NOS. Because of above discussion, the necessity of science‟s nature and its importance has been understood by Turkish Higher Education Council and they have integrated the course `The Nature of Science and The History of Science` into the curriculum of elementary science teacher preparation program. To investigate the effectiveness of this significant course for pre-service science teachers and its design is very essential for science education. Unfortunately, there is not enough number of research studies in the literature in Turkey. As obtained in the study at the end of the semester, prospective teachers transformed their viewpoints of the science and scientists. At the beginning, they were regarded it as a taboo. Finally, they stated that people who look like regular people make the science. Despite of believing science like a different discipline at the beginning, they started feeling themselves closer to the science and its nature. This can be concluded, as this course is very effective in terms of transforming students‟ beliefs and ideas. Cepni (1998) who made an investigation analogous to this study has applied his study to prospective physics teachers. He examined their level of understanding science concepts and perceived by nature of science. Also, he investigated some concepts like theory and law. On the other hand he tried to find answers some questions such as how to ensure credibility in the world of science. In his application he point that participants see as laws "as a final and does not change under any circumstances participants‟ and theories "information that can not be proof‟. Similar to Cepni‟s study, at the beginning of the term when we applied pre tests participants agreed that "scientific laws cannot change and they are only truths‟. In contradiction to his study, we obtained diverse answers about scientific theory. In our study, it‟s clear that participants are transformed their theory concepts during the term and they agreed that theories are dynamic, open to change and they possess more theoretical content knowledge. A recent study conducted by Celik and Bayrakceken (2004). They investigated effectiveness of "Science, Technology and Society‟ course on prospective science teachers‟ viewpoints about science and its nature. They use some questions from VOSTS items bank for this study. Similar to our study, they have applied their tests as pre tests (at the beginning of semester) and post-tests (at the end of the semester). They determined in both tests that participants idealized scientists and their mission on science. We determine similar results for pre tests but as distinct from their study our participants weren‟t idealized scientists and their mission on science at the end of the semester. Based on differences between pre tests and post tests its clear that they fix their misconceptions about science and its nature. Also that‟s expressly can understand that they acquired new concepts and make positive relationships between them. As we see in the study at the end of the term prospective teacher change their viewpoints to the science and scientists. Beginning of the term they were regarded it as taboo. They realized that people who look like them make the science. Despite they saw science like a different discipline at the beginning of term, they obtain feel close themselves to the science and its nature. Finally, we strongly encourage offering such a course in other science disciplines including faculty of science and engineering as well as other science related education departments.

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