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Gazi Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi

Yıl 2009 , Cilt 11 , Sayı 2

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Başlık :

Farklı meslek gruplarındaki çalışanların örgüt iklimi algılamaları ve alanya başkent hastanesi’nde bir araştırma

Yazar kurumları :
Akdeniz Üniversitesi, Alanya İşletme Fakültesi, İşletme Bölümü1
Görüntülenme :
Özet Türkçe :

The aim of this study is to determine and compare the perceptions of different vocational groups of Alanya Baskent Hospital toward the organizational climate. Whether any difference among the perceptions of vocational groups (doctor, nurse, medical secretary, technician, and administrative staff) toward the organizational climate makes the main point of the study. Litwin and Stringer Organizational Climate Questionnaire (LSOCQ) was used in the study. Litwin and Stringer examined the issue of organizational climate under nine variables; organizational structure, individual responsibility, reward system, risk taking, warmth atmosphere, support, organizational performance standarts, conflict, and organizational commitment. Questionnaire was composed of 32 variables answered on five-point Likert scale anchored by the terms "strongly disagree/very low/the worst" (1) and "strongly agree/very high/the best" (5). 6 items were used to measure organizational structure, 4 items for individual responsibility, 4 items for reward system, 4 items for warmth atmosphere, 4 items for organizational standard performance, 4 items for support, 3 items for conflict, and 3 items for organizational commitment. Also, questionnaire included 6 items to measure demographic characteristics of the respondents.. The target organization selected for this research was Alanya Baskent Hospital. Because Alanya Baskent Hospital, established in 2000, is one of the biggest and most well-equipped medical center supplying services to patients with its 120 bed-capacity and 373 employees in two modern blocks in Alanya. After having a written permission from hospital administration, questionnaires were distributed to 373 registered employees of the hospital. Each questionnaire was accompanied by a letter explaining the purpose of the research, the voluntary nature of participation, and the confidentiality of the data. And a total of 238 completed questionnaires were returned with a response rate of 64.34%.. The responses given by the employees were anonymous and confidential. SPSS pc + version 15.0 was used for statistical analysis and 8 hypotheses were tested in the study. Demographic findings indicated that 56.3% of our respondents were female and 42.43% were male. Age was assessed using categorical age brackets. 47.5 percent of the respondents indicated they were between the ages of eighteen and thirty; 42.9 percent indicated they were thirty-one to forty. 9.2 percent were forty-one and over. Similarly, work experience was assessed using categorical brackets. 41.6 percent (majority) of the respondents indicated they were between the experience of one to five; 37.8 percent indicated they were six to ten; 15.1 percent were eleven to fifteen; 4.2 percent were sixteen to twenty; and 0.8 percent were twenty-one and over. On the other hand, only 5.9 percent of the respondents were graduated from a primary school. The majority (36.1 percent) of the respondents indicated they had a high school degree; 31.9 percent had a university degree; 14.7 percent had a master degree; 8.8 percent had a doctorate degree. The majority (36.97 percent) of our respondents were administrative staff. 28.2 percent were nurses; 14.70 percent were doctors; 13.02 percent were medical secretaries, and 6.30 percent were technicians. Moreover, 57.1 percent of the respondents were married and 36.6 percent were single. The results indicated that there were no statistical differences among vocational group perceptions toward organizational structure, individual responsibility, warmth atmosphere, conflict, organizational performance standards, and risk taking. But the research results indicated that there were statistical differences among vocational group perceptions toward support, organizational motivating and reward system, and organizational commitment. For example, medical secretaries expressed a lower satisfaction with organizational motivating and reward system than other vocational groups. On the other hand, technicians expressed a higher satisfaction with support in the organization than other vocational groups. But, resarch results indicated that organizational commitment levels of doctors and nurses were lower than those of other vocational groups.

Özet İngilizce :

The aim of this study is to determine and compare the perceptions of different vocational groups of Alanya Baskent Hospital toward the organizational climate. Whether any difference among the perceptions of vocational groups (doctor, nurse, medical secretary, technician, and administrative staff) toward the organizational climate makes the main point of the study. Litwin and Stringer Organizational Climate Questionnaire (LSOCQ) was used in the study. Litwin and Stringer examined the issue of organizational climate under nine variables; organizational structure, individual responsibility, reward system, risk taking, warmth atmosphere, support, organizational performance standarts, conflict, and organizational commitment. Questionnaire was composed of 32 variables answered on five-point Likert scale anchored by the terms "strongly disagree/very low/the worst" (1) and "strongly agree/very high/the best" (5). 6 items were used to measure organizational structure, 4 items for individual responsibility, 4 items for reward system, 4 items for warmth atmosphere, 4 items for organizational standard performance, 4 items for support, 3 items for conflict, and 3 items for organizational commitment. Also, questionnaire included 6 items to measure demographic characteristics of the respondents.. The target organization selected for this research was Alanya Baskent Hospital. Because Alanya Baskent Hospital, established in 2000, is one of the biggest and most well-equipped medical center supplying services to patients with its 120 bed-capacity and 373 employees in two modern blocks in Alanya. After having a written permission from hospital administration, questionnaires were distributed to 373 registered employees of the hospital. Each questionnaire was accompanied by a letter explaining the purpose of the research, the voluntary nature of participation, and the confidentiality of the data. And a total of 238 completed questionnaires were returned with a response rate of 64.34%.. The responses given by the employees were anonymous and confidential. SPSS pc + version 15.0 was used for statistical analysis and 8 hypotheses were tested in the study. Demographic findings indicated that 56.3% of our respondents were female and 42.43% were male. Age was assessed using categorical age brackets. 47.5 percent of the respondents indicated they were between the ages of eighteen and thirty; 42.9 percent indicated they were thirty-one to forty. 9.2 percent were forty-one and over. Similarly, work experience was assessed using categorical brackets. 41.6 percent (majority) of the respondents indicated they were between the experience of one to five; 37.8 percent indicated they were six to ten; 15.1 percent were eleven to fifteen; 4.2 percent were sixteen to twenty; and 0.8 percent were twenty-one and over. On the other hand, only 5.9 percent of the respondents were graduated from a primary school. The majority (36.1 percent) of the respondents indicated they had a high school degree; 31.9 percent had a university degree; 14.7 percent had a master degree; 8.8 percent had a doctorate degree. The majority (36.97 percent) of our respondents were administrative staff. 28.2 percent were nurses; 14.70 percent were doctors; 13.02 percent were medical secretaries, and 6.30 percent were technicians. Moreover, 57.1 percent of the respondents were married and 36.6 percent were single. The results indicated that there were no statistical differences among vocational group perceptions toward organizational structure, individual responsibility, warmth atmosphere, conflict, organizational performance standards, and risk taking. But the research results indicated that there were statistical differences among vocational group perceptions toward support, organizational motivating and reward system, and organizational commitment. For example, medical secretaries expressed a lower satisfaction with organizational motivating and reward system than other vocational groups. On the other hand, technicians expressed a higher satisfaction with support in the organization than other vocational groups. But, resarch results indicated that organizational commitment levels of doctors and nurses were lower than those of other vocational groups.

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