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Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi

Yıl 2012 , Cilt 31 , Sayı 1

Makale özeti ve diğer detaylar.

Makale özeti
Başlık :

Değişen insan kaynakları yönetimi anlayışında kariyer yönetimi

Yazarlar :
Yazar kurumları :
Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Samsun Meslek Yüksekokulu1
Görüntülenme :
Özet Türkçe :

Bu makalenin amacı, örgütlerde değişen insan kaynakları yönetimi anlayışının ortaya çıkardığı kariyer yönetimini örgütsel ve bireysel boyutlarıyla incelemektir. Klasik yönetim anlayışıyla birlikte ortaya çıkan personel yönetimi anlayışı, çağdaş gelişmelerin gereği olarak yerini insan kaynakları yönetimi yaklaşımına bırakmıştır. İnsan kaynakları yönetimi, personel yönetimini de kapsamakta olup insanı bütün yönleriyle ele almaktadır. Bilimsel ve teknolojik yeniliklerin doğurduğu çağdaş yönetim teknikleri insan odaklı bir yönetim anlayışına sahiptir. İnsanın etkin ve verimli kılınması için, onun ihtiyaçlarının ve beklentilerinin karşılanması gerekmektedir. Bu bağlamda onun temel ihtiyaçlarından birisi de kariyer yapmaktır. Örgütler kariyer yönetimini etkin bir şekilde kullanarak çalışanların motivasyonunu artırabilir ve kendi amaçlarını etkin ve verimli bir şekilde gerçekleştirebilirler. Kariyer yönetimi, çalışanların örgüte bağlanması, geliştirilmesi ve performanslarının artırılmasında kullanılan önemli ve etkili bir yöntemdir. Örgütte bireylerin performansını düşüren, pek çok çatışmayı ve stresi de önleyebilir. Böylece uyumlu, etkili, verimli ve başarılı bir örgüt yaratılabilir. Kariyer yönetimi insan kaynaklarını etkili ve verimli kullanmanın en etkili yöntemlerinden birisidir.

Özet İngilizce :

The aim of this article examine career management in an organizational and indivuald dimensions. Human resources management replaced personnel management understanding as a result of modern develoıpments. Human resources management involves peprsonnel management and deal with people in every aspect. Modern management techniques born by scientific and technologic developments are focused on people. In order to make people efficient and effective, their expectations should be met. Within this context, one of the needs of people is developing in careeer steps. Organizations can increase motivations of their employees and make their aims efficient and effective by using career management in an efficient way. Human resources management is directly effective on the management of organizations. Successful organizations are centered on people and use means to motivate their empoloyees. Organizations which can't satisfy their employes cant manage their human resources in an efficient and effective way. Qualities, abilities and competence of mployees is necessary, but not enough for managing the organization in an efficient and effective way. Motivation means to increase their motivations are necessary. Within this conctext, career management can be used as an efficient means. One of the ways to connect individuals to the organization is providing them career opportunities. Career is directly connected to individual and organizationsl targets and is a process connected to business experience and activities that people cab partly and cmopletely live during life. Career management is providing organizaiton support to realise individual career targets with activities directed to bring up personnel in a way organization will need later. The management of Human resources department not only supports their workers' career goals but also help them reach the mutual target. Career development is applied programs, actions and activities in order to achieve individuals' career targets throughout their career plan. This method is an affective way of protection of valuable human resource that organization has. In addition career development is to use individuals' differences between employees and also may contribute to organizational success on condition that it effects their work fulfillments, motivations and productivities. Career development is possessive process of social and technical qualities that they can improve their personalities, abilities and skills. Especially, career management has a big effect on developing human resource. Career management provides major advantages in answering employees' various demands. Organizations are interested in career development to increase productivity and activity, to provide growth, to use ability of employees better and to make a better place for employees. Career development tools which is used their organization are: career maps, career consulting, career guide, career center, coaching, education activities, work rotation and work enrichment. The basic definition of career management is to make plans about individuals' business life. Career planning means realizing opportunities, variety of alternatives and their results. In addition to this, it also means setting career planning is to help employees realize their career goals. Furthermore, career planning has some positive impacts on employees since it answers their answers about the future expectations. Yet, some issues arise during the career planning and this prevents individuals reach their targets. These are the career handicaps: glass ceiling, double careered spouses, double career, moon light, career platoon, lack of skill, falling into disfavor, and etc. Moreover, employees undergo several phases in order to harmonize their real and dream career life. These phases are closely related with the periods of life. That is to say, individuals start from a certain point and weaken day by day. Career planning is made of several phases and it follows: discover- search (0-25 ages), establish (26-35), end of career (51-65) diminish/retirement (65-75). Career management is vital in terms of the bonding employees to the job, developing themselves and increasing their performances. In addition, it also prevents conflicts and stress. As a result, it creates consistent, effective, efficient and successful work environment. Career management is one of the influential way of successful management of human recourses.

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