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The International Journal of eBusiness and eGovernment Studies

Yıl 2011 , Cilt 3 , Sayı 1

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Makale özeti
Başlık :

Applying mobile technologies for personnel recruiting –an analysis of user-sided acceptance factors

Yazar kurumları :
Scientific Research Assistant, RheinMain University of Applied Sciences Faculty of Media Management (Project Remomedia)1, RheinMain University of Applied Sciences2
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The growing use of the mobile web and other mobile information technologies has opened up new opportunities for organizational communication. The implementation of the mobile channel in the personnel marketing mix offers interesting perspectives but is not yet widely applied. Similarly, knowledge about realization opportunities and empirical evidence on user acceptance is missing so far. In order to provide some informative background and theoretical foundation, this study will demonstrate the opportunities of applying mobile technologies for personnel recruiting. First, we will describe the concept of mobile recruiting and the underlying mobile technologies and services. Afterwards, we will investigate the user-sided acceptance of such offerings. For this purpose, we propose a technology acceptance model adjusted to the context of mobile services for personnel recruiting. The compiled model will be empirically tested and findings will be discussed concerning further research and practical implementation.

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