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Ziya Gökalp Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi

Yıl 2012 , Cilt , Sayı 19

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Makale özeti
Başlık :

Tarih öğretmenlerinin tarihsel dil kullanimi

Yazar kurumları :
Ziya Gökalp Eğitim Fakültesi, Tarih Öğretmenliği Anabilim Dalı1
Görüntülenme :
Özet Türkçe :

Bu çalışmanın amacı, tarih eğitimi ve dil ilişkisini, tarih eğitiminde kullanılan tarihsel dilin niteliklerini öğretmenlerin kullandığı tarihsel dil boyutuyla inceleyerek tarih derslerinde öğretmenlerin kullandığı tarihsel dilin niteliklerini farklı yönleriyle ortaya koyabilmektir. Bir başka deyişle, tarihsel dil tarihin öğreniminde, öğretiminde ki yeri ve önemini belirlemektir. Tarihsel dil içerisinde kelimeler kullanıldıkları bağlama ve duruma göre değişik göndermelere sahip olabilirler ve “ hem dinleyicinin hem de konuşmacının bu kelimelerle karşılaştıkları durumlara göre değişebilir. Dahası, iletişim sadece bireysel sembollerin (kelimelerin) kullanımını içermez, ayrıca sembolik örüntülerin (kelime grubu, cümleler) tüm yapısını içerirler. Bu daha büyük gruplar, ayrı ayrı kelimelerin kendilerinin olduğu gibi aynı detaylı ilişkilere (gönderme alanları ile ilgili) sahiptir. İletişimin genel probleminin bir bölümü şu gerçekten doğmaktadır. Kelimeler, kelime grupları, cümlecikler, cümleler konuşmacı için belirli gönderme veya gönderme alanlarına sahip sembollerdir, fakat gönderme veya gönderme alanlarının dinleyiciye aktarılacağının garantisi yoktur. Bütün bunların yanı sıra aynı zamanda öğretmenlerin kullanmakta oldukları tarihsel dilin nasıl incelenmesi gerektiği veya incelenebileceği hususunda tarih eğitimi alanında özgün bir model ortaya çıkartabilmektir. Bu çalışmada tarih öğretmenlerinin tarihsel dil kullanımlarının incelenmesi betimsel araştırma modelinde yapılmıştır. Araştırma verilerinin toplanmasında literatür taraması, gözlem çalışması ve görüşme teknikleri uygulanmıştır. Bu veri toplama teknikleri neticesinde elde edilen veriler nicel ve nitel veriler olmak üzere tasnif edilmiştir. Nicel verilerin analizinde SPSS 16.0 programı kullanılırken, nitel veriler içerik analizi yöntemi ile çözümlenmiştir. Araştırmanın tarih öğretmenlerinin tarihsel dil kullanımlarını tespit edebilmek için dört farklı okul ve bu okulda görev yapan dokuz farklı öğretmen örneklem olarak alınmıştır. Çankırı Anadolu Lisesi, Anadolu Öğretmen Lisesi, Anadolu Ticaret Meslek Lisesi ve Anadolu Teknik Lisesinde görev yapmakta olan dokuz tarih öğretmeni ile gözlem çalışması gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu çalışma hem gözlem formları hem de ses kayıt cihazları yardımı ile kayıt altına alınmıştır. Öğretmenlerin sınıf içerisinde tarihsel dil kullanımlarına ait veriler bu gözlem çalışmasının sonucunda elde edilmiştir. Ayrıca öğretmenlerle görüşmeler yapılmış ve bu görüşmelerde kayıt altına alınmıştır. Tarih öğretmenlerinin tarihsel dil kullanımını belirleyen unsurların neler olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Çalışma sonunda tarih öğretmenlerinin tarihsel dil kullanımında mesleki tecrübe, yetişmiş olduğu çevre, okul türü gibi faktörlerin etkili olduğu görülmüştür. Tarih öğretmenlerinin tarihsel dil kullanımında etkili olan bu ve benzeri faktörlerin yanı sıra öğretmenlerin sınıf içerisinde kendilerine özgü ve öğrencilerin tarihi konuyu anlamalarını kolaylaştıran ve dersi daha eğlenceli hale getiren başka bir dil kullandıkları tespit edilmiştir. Tarih öğretmenleri kendilerine özgü bu dili espri, atasözü, deyim, analoji, şarkı sözü ve film gibi unsurlar yardımı ile inşa etmiştir. Bu durum tarih öğretmenlerinin tarihsel dil kullanımlarının tarihçi ve tarih ders kitaplarının dilinden farklı bir niteliğe sahip olduğunu göstermiştir.

Özet İngilizce :

The purpose of this study is to examine the relation between history education and language, the aspects of the historic language used at history education within the historic language dimension used by lecturers, in order to reveal different aspects of the language used by these lecturers. In other words, it is to determine the role and importance of language in teaching history. Words within a historic language may have different connotations, depending on the way they are used, and they can differ for the audience as well as the speaker. In addition, communication does not only include the use of individual symbols (words), but also include the whole structure of symbolic derivatives (word groups, sentences). These bigger groups, just like the individual words, also have the same detailed relations (in terms of connotations). The general problem of communication is partially stemming from the following problem. Words are symbols which include certain connotations or areas of connotations for word groups, phrases, sentences for the speaker; however, there are no guarantees that the connotations or areas of connotations would be conveyed to the audience. In addition to all these, it also reveals a unique model with regards to the possible ways of examining the language used by history teachers. In this study, the examination of the historic language use of history teachers has been carried out on a descriptive research basis. While gathering research data, literature scanning, observatory work, and discussion techniques have been used. The data gathered following these data gathering techniques have been classified as quantitative and qualitative. For the analysis of quantitative data, SPSS 16.0 program has been used, while qualitative data have been solved by content analysis method. In order to determine the historic language use of history teachers by this study, four different schools, and nine different teachers serving in these schools were used as subjects. Çankırı Anatolian High School, Anatolian Teacher School, Anatolian Trade Vocational School and Anatolian Technical High School with nine different history teachers were observed. This study was recorded through both monitoring forms and voice recording devices. The data regarding the historic language se by teachers were gathered as a result of this monitoring work. In addition, discussions were held with the teachers and these discussions were also recorded. The elements determining the historic language use of history teachers were disclosed. At the end of the study, it has been made clear that vocational experience, the environment he was brought up, type of school and other similar factors were effective for the historic language use by history teachers. As well as these factors which are effective for the use of historic language by history teachers, it has also been observed that teachers are using a unique language in the class which makes it easier for the students to understand the class and makes it more entertaining for them. History teachers have constructed this unique language by the help of jokes, proverbs, sayings, analogy, lyrics and movies. This situation shows that the use of historic language by history teachers have different aspects than that of historians and history books.The purpose of this study is to examine the relation between history education and language, the aspects of the historic language used at history education within the historic language dimension used by lecturers, in order to reveal different aspects of the language used by these lecturers. In other words, it is to determine the role and importance of language in teaching history. Words within a historic language may have different connotations, depending on the way they are used, and they can differ for the audience as well as the speaker. In addition, communication does not only include the use of individual symbols (words), but also include the whole structure of symbolic derivatives (word groups, sentences). These bigger groups, just like the individual words, also have the same detailed relations (in terms of connotations). The general problem of communication is partially stemming from the following problem. Words are symbols which include certain connotations or areas of connotations for word groups, phrases, sentences for the speaker; however, there are no guarantees that the connotations or areas of connotations would be conveyed to the audience. In addition to all these, it also reveals a unique model with regards to the possible ways of examining the language used by history teachers. In this study, the examination of the historic language use of history teachers has been carried out on a descriptive research basis. While gathering research data, literature scanning, observatory work, and discussion techniques have been used. The data gathered following these data gathering techniques have been classified as quantitative and qualitative. For the analysis of quantitative data, SPSS 16.0 program has been used, while qualitative data have been solved by content analysis method. In order to determine the historic language use of history teachers by this study, four different schools, and nine different teachers serving in these schools were used as subjects. Çankırı Anatolian High School, Anatolian Teacher School, Anatolian Trade Vocational School and Anatolian Technical High School with nine different history teachers were observed. This study was recorded through both monitoring forms and voice recording devices. The data regarding the historic language se by teachers were gathered as a result of this monitoring work. In addition, discussions were held with the teachers and these discussions were also recorded. The elements determining the historic language use of history teachers were disclosed. At the end of the study, it has been made clear that vocational experience, the environment he was brought up, type of school and other similar factors were effective for the historic language use by history teachers. As well as these factors which are effective for the use of historic language by history teachers, it has also been observed that teachers are using a unique language in the class which makes it easier for the students to understand the class and makes it more entertaining for them. History teachers have constructed this unique language by the help of jokes, proverbs, sayings, analogy, lyrics and movies. This situation shows that the use of historic language by history teachers have different aspects than that of historians and history books.

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